15 posts

Small Trees for a Domestic Garden
R2111 Examples of trees for R2111 and R2112 (old syllabus) The modules R2111 and R2112 go well together as both ...

Garden Design and Balance.
Learning Outcome for RHS level 2 R2111 Understand basic garden planning principles and the elements that contribute to a good ...

Bulbs and Plant selection
Plant Selection. Bulbs. Types, Season of interest and Choice for borders, naturalising and containers. This covers Learning Outcomes for RHS ...

Garden Design. Cohesion as a design principle.
R2111 Learning outcomes: Understand how to incorporate key elements into a cohesive garden design 7.1 Describe how elements of hard ...

Garden Planning. What is The Cottage Garden Style?
Introduction As part of R2111, Students are required to outline 3 main garden design styles: Cottage Garden, English Landscape and ...

Garden Design: Formal and Informal Design and Planting Schemes.
R2111 (new syllabus) New syllabus Unit 2 Topic 2 Formal and informal planting Introduction If you study past papers there ...