15 posts
Best study videos for RHS Level 2 Study R2111-R2114 (old syllabus) and Unit 1 Topic 4 Plant specification.
Introduction I sit down to find a video on planting up hanging baskets to back up the written notes we ...
Hard landscaping materials suitable for: patios, paths, steps and decking.
The RHS garden planning module (R2111) focuses on hardlandscaping features and the materials they are made from. Let's take a ...
Risk assessment of overhead and underground services.
R2111 The site survey. Syllabus learning Outcomes 1.1 Describe how to identify potential hazards and risks on a site, including ...
Struggling to revise for RHS exams? Do these 7 things.
I am presuming that you have a complete set of notes for Unit 1 or Unit 2 of the new ...
Garden Design: The English Landscape Garden Design Style.
R2111 (old syllabus) Unit 2 Topic 2 Element 1 (new syllabus) Introduction The English Landscape Garden Prior to the English ...
Colour. The use of colour in Garden Design
R2111 Understand basic garden planning principles and the elements that contribute to a good design. New syllabus Unit 2 Topic ...
Garden Planning and Linear Surveying – Measuring methods explained.
Learning Outcomes for RHS Level 2 R2111 (Understanding Garden Features, Plant Selection and Planning) : ''Describe how to carry out ...
Sustainable Garden Practices.
Sustainable Practice R2111 Understand the importance of safe, healthy, environmentally- sensitive and sustainable development of garden sites. Introduction Sustainability can ...
Water Features: appearance, materials and hazards
R2111 Water Features Also relevant to formal style in New syllabus Unit 2 Topic 2 Learning Outcomes for RHS Level ...