5 posts

What’s in the Bag? An overview of growing media ingredients for containers.
This blog was originally written for the old syllabus and relates to R2102 and R2114. The new syllabus has a ...

Relative humidity control in protected structures such as greenhouses.
R2114 Learning outcomes 4.3 Describe methods of changing the relative humidity (RH) in a protected environment, including the effects of ...

Photosynthesis and leaf design.
This post is relevant to the old syllabus R2101 (science) and R2114 (protected cultivation) and the new syllabus, unit 1 ...

Best study videos for RHS Level 2 Study R2111-R2114 (old syllabus) and Unit 1 Topic 4 Plant specification.
Introduction I sit down to find a video on planting up hanging baskets to back up the written notes we ...

Struggling to revise for RHS exams? Do these 7 things.
I am presuming that you have a complete set of notes for Unit 1 or Unit 2 of the new ...