Leafy Learning

33 posts

Pollination and Fertilisation – blind dates that may lead to having a family.

Relevant to both the old Syllabus (R2101) and the new syllabus Unit 1 Topic 1 Element 5 Introduction Pollination and fertilisation are essential processes to ensure the production of fruits, which contain seeds. Producing seed is essential for survival of plant species so they have some very ingenious ways to […]

What’s in the Bag? An overview of growing media ingredients for containers.

This blog was originally written for the old syllabus and relates to R2102 and R2114. The new syllabus has a new section entitled ‘Bulk constituents for growing media’ (Unit 1 Topic 3 Element 5) which has learning outcomes such as understanding the properties of peat, forest residue (bark and chipped […]

Relative humidity control in protected structures such as greenhouses.

R2114 Learning outcomes 4.3 Describe methods of changing the relative humidity (RH) in a protected environment, including the effects of ‘damping down’, ventilation and temperature changes. State what is meant by ‘damping down’. Describe patterns of ventilation in a structure which will help adjust relative humidity. The use of forced […]

General points about pests and diseases in relation to plant selection, maintenance and plant health.

Relates to: R2112 (old syllabus) R2103 (old syllabus) and Unit Topic 2 Plant Health (New Syllabus) Introduction If you are fairly new to gardening the R2112 module can be overwhelming. Firstly, there is a wide selection of botanical plant names to learn, as well as their decorative merits. THEN we […]

Best study videos for RHS Level Study Modules R2101-R2104 (old syllabus) and Unit 1 Topic 2 (Plant Health) and 3 (Plant nutrition) (New syllabus)

Introduction I sit down at 9am to find a video on how to sow fine seed to back up the written notes we have studied. Two hours later I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. There are lots of great videos on the internet and lots of bad ones […]

Best study videos for RHS Level 2 Study R2111-R2114 (old syllabus) and Unit 1 Topic 4 Plant specification.

Introduction I sit down to find a video on planting up hanging baskets to back up the written notes we have studied. Two hours later I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. There are lots of great videos on the internet and lots of bad ones too. Some are […]